Come out and see if working at the farm festivals is right for you. We will be looking for all kinds of talent.
Jobs and descriptions: All jobs can start at the age of 15+ (Depending on age and experience pay will start between $10-$18. Coming to the fair does not guarantee you a job. If you don't get a paid position offer you may offer to volunteer until another opening comes up and the volunteers will be picked from first for the next job openings.
Zombie land
Entry holder: maintain smooth flow through the haunted house. Approximately every 1-2 minutes 5 people can go through (this number can change depending on the night and how many actors we have) Check that everyone has signed the form of release
Special effects: provide high quality zombie effects on actors. This will include burns, cuts and exposed bones. you will be working on at least 5 actors a night with an additional 5-10 volunteer actors. You will be able to either put makeup on yourself or step in and act or help someone else with their job depending on how busy we are for the night.
Actors: Be able to stay in zombie character for the duration of the haunted festival. Be willing to take photos with guests before and after events. No experience is required, it is a plus though. During our spooky job fair you will have the chance to show us your skills.
Front gate: Welcome everyone to the farm. Take payment for anyone who has not prepaid. Must be able to count change back. Call for help if more than 4 or 5 groups are in line. Make sure that if anyone wants to go through the Zombie town they must fill out a release of liability waiver forum.
Concessions: Maintain communications with customers by helping them have a fast easy experience with getting food.
Serving food
Manage money by counting back change (if you have never done this you MUST practice) you will be responsible to count the till at the end of your shift.
Keep all food clean and orderly
Make sure drinks are stocked at all times
Ask for help when the line gets more than 10 people deep
When no customers are present clean
Top of the hill guide: help Direct Drift cart riders and slip n sliders know when it's time to go. Make sure the path on either side is clear before guests go down the hill. If slip n slide is in use all guests must get wet by being hosed off before going down the slide. Make sure water is being shot down the middle of the slide at all times.
Tractor train driver: Must be 18 years or older. Be willing to drive the train slow and easy for the kids to have a good time. Shake the cowbell really loud and say all aboard. Run up and down the line and give out high fives. Get the kids really excited that they are about to take a ride on the tractor train.