Registration for 2023 is now open! Summer camp at Fisher Family Farm is going to be a blast for kids. We have 50 spots open each week and will be offering farm camp during the following weeks:
CLICK HERE for registration:
- Monday May 29 – Thursday June 1, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (3 Hours)
- Monday June 5 – Thursday June 8, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (3 Hours)
- Once theses dates are full the next weeks will open up
Ages 4-11 (no 3 year olds if we get enough interest we will have a camp just for them)
9:00 – 10:15
- Welcome everyone and say the Pledge
- Separate into groups of 12-13 kids with one leader
- Decide what animal their group will be known as for the week
- Be assigned their chore for the morning which could include: Feeding cows, chickens, sheep, goats, weeding gardens, repairing fencing, any and all age appropriate chores.
10:15 – 11:15
- Four education booths will be set up to teach 12-15 minute classes on topics such as plant vs weed identification, where do chicken eggs come from, how to properly care for established vegetables and other horticulture topics.
- Snack will be given during the rotations of education hour. Snacks will include apples, bananas, carrots, ranch and other vegetables. (If your child has special dietary needs please let the owners know)
11:15 – 12:00
On the last day of the camp parents and brings siblings at 11:30 and come play on the farm until 1:00 PM for free
CLICK HERE for registration:
- If your child has sensitive skin or hands please send them with sunscreen on and have them bring a pair of gloves.
Please Park in the Event parking lot off 3000 S. It is the grass parking lot. Do not pull in the main area as the garden center is still open for business.